Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October-What does it conjure up for you?

October is the end of seasons in some places and the beginning in others, as Innkeepers we see the end of the year with the challenges of the coming year. Its time to reflect on what we did throughout the season (our season is March-October) that we so thoroughly enjoyed and were too tired to see at the time. October is the month of the birth my first born, remembering the little bundle that I brought home and seeing the wondertful and loving man he has become.

Even if September 24th marks the beginning of fall, I don't think I fully see fall until October. Its been a different view this year. Our assignment has brought us into the Delta Region of Arkansas  its still green and warm here, no need for the heater yet. In contrast the Mountain State is in its full glory of Autumn Colors and the whisperings of winter are felt every evening.

 It has changed our view of what October should feel like. The warm almost summer days and the cool nights remind me of Spring. Today is the first day that I've seen it cloudy, cool and raining-perfect snuggling weather. With pumpkin carving and planning for Thanksgiving sometimes I didn't see October in all its glory-the beginning of counting the days until Christmas and how much time we have for shopping.

Tune into October for changes in everything, from the time change to the birds leaving to the crispy air and the children dressed in costumes to Ghosts traveling and visiting...we have three here-that's for another day.

Good October to all of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully expressed, my friend! We're definitely in the full peak of autumn here. My neighbor's corner tree is a blaze of vibrant red. And I think the hubby is contemplating the first fire of the year tonight.

Best wishes, Julie (aka Drury Lane Muffins and Such Owner)